Monday, May 25, 2020

Entrevista de estudiante becado a residente permanente

Entrevista a Miguel Pà ©rez, bloguero de Vidgo, que ilustra uno de los muchos caminos para emigrar a Estados Unidos. Llegà ³ como estudiante  y  es residente permanente tras haber tenido varias visas de trabajo. La experiencia de Miguel es comà ºn a muchas otras personas: llega a Estados Unidos  con una visa y segà ºn va pasando el tiempo va cambiando a otras hasta que, finalmente, consigue una tarjeta de residencia. Es fundamental resaltar que nunca se quedà ³ sin estatus migratorio legal. Y es que es innegable que respetar siempre las leyes americanas, incluidas las migratorias, facilita enormemente los distintos trà ¡mites migratorios. Cmo llegaste a Estados Unidos, con qu visa y en qu ao fue? Respuesta: Lleguà © a Estados Unidos en 1994 con un visado de estudiante, para cursar una carrera de Marketing y jugar en el equipo de tenis de la universidad. Culfue el proceso para ganar la beca para deportista?Cmo sabas adnde aplicar?Solicitaste entrada en ms de una universidad? En qu universidad acabaste estudiando? Por suerte, conocà ­a a uno de los jugadores que ya estaban en el equipo, otro canario. Fue  Ãƒ ©l quien me animà ³ a comenzar el proceso. Como yo entrà © en enero, las becas ya se habà ­an concedido, por lo que tuve que pagarme mi primer semestre. Despuà ©s de mi primer semestre, el entrenador me ofrecià ³ una beca completa para el equipo de la Universidad de Luisiana en Monroe (ULM). Adems de ser un excelente deportista, qu ms requisitos necesitaste para ser admitido? TOEFL? SAT? Cmo los preparaste? En aquellos tiempos, solo me pidieron el SAT y no necesità © el TOEFL.  Y, sin estudiar, me presentà © al examen (algo que no recomiendo a casi nadie).Por lo tanto, el SAT fue el à ºnico requisito. Mi nivel de inglà ©s al llegar era tan pobre que cuando lleguà © a la universidad y me dieron un examen de evaluacià ³n, me metieron en clases intensivas de inglà ©s (ESL) durante 3 semestres. Hoy en dà ­a le recomendarà ­a a los interesados contratar los servicios de una agencia especializada en este tipo de trà ¡mites—como AGM Sports,  con los que yo trabajo. (Ademà ¡s, prà ¡cticamente todas las universidades piden hoy un mà ­nimo nivel de puntuacià ³n en el TOEFL). Cunto se demor todo el proceso desde que decidiste aplicar hasta que fuiste admitido, qu gestiones tuviste que hacer y cunto fue el costo de todo ello? En mi caso, el proceso no demorà ³ mà ¡s de 8 meses. Desde que tuve el primer contacto con la universidad a principios del 93, hasta mi admisià ³n oficial a finales de noviembre.En enero de 1994 desembarquà © en tierras americanas. El costo total de gestiones ascendià ³ al precio que tuve que pagar por el billete para ir a Madrid a examinarme. Ni siquiera comprà © libros, por lo que el coste fue bastante reducido. Y el primer semestre me lo paguà © yo todo. En porcentaje, de todos los gastos que supone estudiar en Estados Unidos, cunto te cubri la beca y cmo pagaste por el resto, si es que necesitaste? Por suerte, mi beca cubrà ­a el 100 por cien de los gastos (matrà ­cula, libros, estancia y comidas).Para costearme algunos gastos extras, solà ­a dar algunas clases de tenis en mis tiempos libres. Durante tus estudios cuntas horas le dedicabas al deporte? Cmo esestar becado como deportista? Yo estudià © marketing y juguà © en el equipo. Mi primer aà ±o fue bastante duro porque mi inglà ©s era el tà ­pico de cualquier estudiante espaà ±ol de colegio—very bad. Lo que hacà ­a era traducir todos los apuntes de clase, que habà ­a pedido a algà ºn compaà ±ero americano, para estudiar en espaà ±ol. Es decir, que trabajaba el doble que los demà ¡s. En cuanto a las horas de entrenamiento, solà ­amos correr o hacer pesas a las 5:45 am hasta las 7. De ahà ­, nos duchà ¡bamos e à ­bamos a clase de 8 hasta la 1 pm. Por la tarde entrenà ¡bamos de 2:30 a 5:30. Algunos tenà ­amos clases por la noche tambià ©n, de 6 a 9. Yo me propuse tomar 21 horas (3 crà ©ditos por curso) en cada semestre, lo que hoy puede parecer una  Ã‚  locura. Las universidades consideran que un estudiante estudia full time con 12 horas. Pero a mà ­ 12 me parecà ­an muy pocas, ademà ¡s tenà ­a que recuperar todo el tiempo que habà ­a empleado en mis clases de inglà ©s (ESL). Estar becado como deportista es una experiencia increà ­ble. La verdad es que nos trataban  muy bien, desde las instalaciones especiales para comer para deportistas (training tables) como todas las instalaciones deportivas a nuestro alcance. Bà ¡sicamente, te pagan para que formes parte de la universidad. Salir con una carrera terminada, sin un dà ³lar de deuda, es algo que no resulta muy frecuente. Al finalizar tus estudios, disfrutaste una OPT? Cmo fue el proceso? Al finalizar mi carrera, decidà ­ cursar un mà ¡ster en administracià ³n de empresas (MBA), ya que querà ­a pulir un poco mà ¡s mis conocimientos empresariales. Despuà ©s de terminar mi MBA, solicità © el OPT. Lo usà © para trabajar en JP Morgan Chase, como miembro del equipo de servicio al cliente en espaà ±ol en la divisià ³n hipotecaria del banco. Se comenzaban a ofrecer servicios en espaà ±ol y yo fui parte del primer equipo de espaà ±ol de Chase, junto o otros 4 compaà ±eros. Nos encargà ¡bamos de servir todo el territorio nacional, desde la sede de Monroe (la sede principal de la divisià ³n hipotecaria de Chase en aquellos momentos). Y despus de la OPT, qu? Despuà ©s de once meses, y de ganar el Employee of the Month como 5 veces en Chase, mi supervisor me aseguraba que el proceso de aplicacià ³n de mi visado se harà ­a sin problemas. Pero, a dos semanas de que mi visa OPT se venciera, me llamaron al departamento de recursos humanos para informarme de que no procesarà ­an mi visa. En ese entonces, y casi con la certeza de que me tenà ­a que regresar a casa, me llegà ³ una oferta inesperada desde la universidad, para impartir clases de Ofimà ¡tica y administrar la red informà ¡tica de la facultad (durante mi MBA, habà ­a sido Graduate Assistant del network administrator, y à ©ste se disponà ­a a abandonar supuesto). Con la universidad, comencà © con visa J-1, tres aà ±os seguidos. Despuà ©s de ese perà ­odo, se ofrecieron a tramitarme la H1-B, la cual renovà © al cabo de tres aà ±os. Entre tanto, la solicitud de mi green card comenzà ³ allà ¡ por el 2004. Despuà ©s de casi 5 aà ±os, en febrero de 2009, mi green card fue concedida.   Cmo conseguiste las visas de trabajo y la tarjeta de residencia? La universidad me patrocinà ³ las visas J-1 primero y la H-1 despuà ©s y, finalmente, la green card (tarjeta de residencia permanente) Planeas hacerte ciudadano americano por naturalizacin? Si no me equivoco, podrà ­a comenzar el proceso de nacionalizacià ³n. Como  Estados Unidos y Espaà ±a me permiten tener doble nacionalidad, quizà ¡ opte por solicitarla. Vives con tu familia? Sà ­, con mi esposa que es venezolana. Estaba en Estados Unidos con una H-1B trabajando para la farmacà ©utica Bayer pero pedà ­ para ella una greencard y ahora tambià ©n es residente permanente. Tenemos dos hijas que son ciudadanas americanas por haber nacido aquà ­. Cules seran tus recomendaciones a deportistas que se plantean la posibilidad de estudiar una carrera universitaria en Estados Unidos? Mi primera recomendacià ³n serà ­a informarse muy bien sobre el proceso (exà ¡menes de ingreso, becas, papeleo, todos los documentos necesarios...) Aparte, les recomendarà ­a conocer muy bien cà ³mo funcionan las cosas aquà ­, en caso de que en el futuro, decidan quedarse un tiempo a trabajar. Temas como la importancia del credit history en este paà ­s, los internships como puerta de acceso al mercado laboral, relacionarse con antiguos alumnos de la universidad durante los eventos, incrementar su visibilidad con el profesorado, y muchas otras cosas.   Este artà ­culo es informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Abortion Pros and Cons - 7190 Words

Running Head: ABORTION PROS AND CONS Critical Issue Analysis Paper (Pros Cons) Mandy Diaz University of Phoenix Oscar Gonzalez, M.A. RES 110/ Introduction to Research and Information Utilization August 13, 2007 Abstract When people think of abortion some people think of killing a human while others think different. When you talk to people about abortion some people are against it and some are for abortion. Abortion Pros and Cons Abortion to people takes a life of a human. It is the expulsion of a human fetus within the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, before viable. (Websters New Universal Unabridged Dictionary, 1992, p.4). People also think that abortion violates human rights, and is immoral. Abortion should be†¦show more content†¦Even though Roe gives almost no sense of a binding legal agreement to try to be a law so it is not a constitutional law (McConnell, 2002). It has been said that agreement or compromise defies the abortion issue. If you look at the poll data and it is correct, there has been a surprisingly stable majority of opinion with the American people within the past 30 years that rejects the free of compromise positions with both sides of abortion, people who speak or write in support of the argument. There are big majorities that think abortion should be available and legal during the early months of pregnancy. They think it should be legal when the reasons are weighted on rape, incest, probability of serious birth defect, or serious danger to the mothers health (McConnell, 2002). Within 15% believe that abortion should be made available after the first three months after the fetus has developed fingers and toes, brain waves, a full set of internal organs and beating heart. Majorities are against abortions if people want them for avoiding career interruptions. Majorities also are for regulations that have parental consent requirements to protect against ill-informed decisions and hasty since permitted by the Supreme Court such regulations has stood in the years since Roe (McConnell, 2002). When the Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973 it was said to be flawed. A majority of the public never supported the decision.Show MoreRelatedPros And Cons Of Abortion1413 Words   |  6 Pagesevident that the topic of abortion is very controversial. Many people have been asking themselves the same question for many years now, do you think abort ion is ethical? Abortion has been a heated argument amongst citizens, political activists, and several religions all across the world. Those who are against abortion are known as pro-life and argue that abortion is wrong because it kills human life. On the other hand, there are people who are in favor of abortion are known as pro-choice. They believeRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Abortion800 Words   |  4 Pagesimportant to critically think out the whole situation. It is very important to not make irrational decisions. In order to help make the best decision the pros and cons should be taken into consideration. The pros of having an abortion could be but not limited to, being unable to financially afford a child. There may be health risk for the woman so an abortion may save a life. The pregnancy may have been a result of violent crime or assault. â€Å"The Hyde Amendment refers to an amendment firstRead MorePros And Cons Of Abortion983 Words   |  4 Pages Murder or Not? â€Å"In 2013, 664,435 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas. The abortion rate for 2013 was 12.5 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years, and the abortion ratio was 200 abortions per 1,000 live births.† ( Over half a million abortions in one year alone that happened in the U.S.A, and that does not even take into account the rest of the world. Abortion is the act of intentionally terminating a human pregnancy, usually done before the third trimesterRead More Abortions Pros and Cons Essay1194 Words   |  5 Pagesanswer is. They also have pros and cons. One of the most complex problems is abortion. This is due to moral and ethical values which we all have. The majority of us are Christians or are brought up in that kind of ambiance which means that as small children we were taught values that are based on the bible such as that famous phrase â€Å"Thou shall not kill†. This phrase relates to this topic because an abortion is the murder of a human being.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A 52% of women getting abortions performed on them areRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Abortion946 Words   |  4 PagesAbortion is a highly controversial topic that has been debated for years. There are two main categories that people generally fall into when discussing abortions. These categories are Pro-Choice and Pro-Life. I, myself fall into the Pro-Choice category. I believe that woman should be able to choose what is best for themselves, and should not have to jump religious and politic hurdles to do so. Many people that believe in Pro-Life, do so for religious reasons. I do not believe in the mixing of religionRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Abortion924 Words   |  4 PagesAbortion is a rather sensitive topic that carries various and strong personal opinions. The first question is what is an abortion? Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by removing or expelling the fetus or embryo from the uterus before it is ready for birth. It has become one of th e most controversial arguments in the world having to decide between pro-choice or pro-life. Religious conservatives side with the opinion that being pro-choice is a crime and a sin. Juxtaposed to the right toRead MoreEssay Pros and Cons of Abortion3507 Words   |  15 PagesPros and Cons of Abortion Should a list of pros and cons of abortion really be necessary for Christians...or human beings for that matter? I mean, have we really reached a point where we cannot tell that abortion is murderous no matter how you color it or try to paint it as compassionate? Apparently so. Thirty plus years after the infamous Supreme Court decision in Roe versus Wade and thirty one years after my own timely birth, I sit in awe at the ignorance of a great portion of society..Read More Abortion: Pro and Con Essay1214 Words   |  5 PagesAbortion: Pro and Con In a pluralistic culture of unwanted pregnancy, there exists a contradiction between a relative sense of morality and the democratic ideal of free choice.   Aristotle provided the first written record of this irresolvable contradiction in his book Politics, saying, When couples have children in excess, let abortion be procured before sense and life have begun; what may or may not be lawfully done in these cases depends on the question of life and sensation. (1)   The controversyRead MoreEssay on Pro and Cons of Abortion658 Words   |  3 PagesMarinelly Gonzalez Dr. Edwards Com 123 Cons of Abortion wrong and looked down upon by a lot of religions. Some women use abortion as a type of birth control. They sleep with men and do not use protection and think nothing of it to go to the clinic as many as five times in their life to have an abortion. A con against abortion is the nagging thought that a woman went to a clinic, had an abortion, and thus the world was prevented fro m seeing the birth of the only person capable of attainingRead MoreCorruption : The Pros And Cons Of Abortion982 Words   |  4 Pagesof abortion and whether or not it should be legal. Many people who are pro-choice believe that it should be left up to a woman to choose what to do with her body and whether or not she wants to give life to another human being, while others believe that abortion is murder and the woman and the doctor who chooses to perform such criminal acts should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. During the 2016 run for Presidency Donald Trump also agreed with those who believe that abortion should

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Career Of Clinical Medicine - 868 Words

As a candidate who previously had worked in the Department of Internal Medicine for several years as clinician, resident, and research scholar, I am committed to embrace the rigorous challenges and to excel in every tier to become an excellent physician. A career in clinical medicine has always been my inspiration; however, I chose to avail myself from basic science and translational researches before completing residency training in the hope of gaining experience that would make me all rounded, and, ultimately, a better physician. As an aspiring academic scholar, and as I prepare for my journey towards this goal, I followed a stimulating intellectual path that promotes lifelong learning and what I hope will prove to be a long and rewarding feat. I have always possessed a strong interest in understanding the intricacies of biology, which had influenced one of the most important decisions of my life; joining medical school. As much as it was an enjoyable day-to-day learning process, during the clinical years, I particularly relish my internal medicine rotation experience that involved intricate thought processes in understanding, diagnosing, and managing patients with complex diseases. I was inspired by the way the internists were treating patients, their bedside manner, as well as their holistic and dynamic approach to treat patients. That experience certainly kindled my interest in internal medicine; the more I learned, the more I wanted to join the department. During myShow MoreRelatedThe Career Of Clinical Medicine849 Words   |  4 Pageshad worked in the department of Internal Medicine for several years as clinician, resident, and research scholar, I know that residency training requires absolute commitment to excel in every tier to become an excellent physician and take responsibility to reach out to others in need. A career in clinical medicine has always been my inspiration; however, I chose to avail myself from basic science and translational researches before completing internal medicine residency training in the hope of gainingRead MoreMy Long Term Goals Of College Admission810 Words   |  4 PagesPersonal Statement Content My long term goal is to pursue a career as a General Internal Medicine and complete a Gastroenterology Fellowship. To me, this means delivering state-of-the-art clinical care to my patients while contributing to the evolution of medicine through education and research. I have wanted to be a doctor since childhood. To me, being a doctor means goodness of the heart and dedication to healing. My parents valued education and rigorous work ethics. They taught me that I couldRead MoreThe Ethics Of The Patient774 Words   |  4 Pagescontinued my journey in internal medicine and hematology, I realized that ethical practice and empathy are the essence of medicine every single day. My interest in Internal Medicine developed during my 12 month long internship at Dhaka Medical College Hospital, the largest teaching hospital serving patients with all types of medical complaints from all over Bangladesh. Each admission day, I was enthralled by the diversity of problems and the complexity of clinical presentations of the diseases. Read MoreMy Decision For Pursue Career Ambitions913 Words   |  4 PagesMy decision to pursue career ambitions in internal medicine did not come in a moment of blinding revelation, but rather a series of experiences that started during my childhood. Ever since childhood, I had a deep fascination for art work and being an astute observer of the environment and human nature, I often put my perception onto small pieces of arts and illustrations. I always felt that art has the power to brighten the souls and fascinate the disenchanted world. The most fascinating piece ofRead MoreSeeking The Wisdom That Will Can Your Knot857 Words   |  4 Pagesthat I decided to pursue a career in medicine. With the start of medical school, studying basic sciences opened a door to the world enriched with years and years of research. With each passing semester, I gained more knowledge about the biochemical, physiological and anatomical aspects of medicine. The more knowledge I acquired, the more eager I became to apply what I had learnt into clinical practice. Those two years formed the foundation upon which my love for medicine began to flourish. I was exposedRead MoreDr. Sherlock Holmes Series991 Words   |  4 Pagesand have been at the heart of my journey in the field of medicine. Curiosity towards everything has always been inherent in me, which probably shaped my hobbies that mostly consisted of mind games, puzzles and detective novels like the Sherlock Holmes series. But my inquisitiveness was channelized into gaining useful knowledge after listening to Steve Jobs and it naturally transformed into me choosing the field of Internal Medicine as my career choice. Sherlock Holmes once said, â€Å"There is nothing moreRead MoreEssay about Pusuing a Career in Medicine and Public Health885 Words   |  4 Pagesall else. I thought I should create my own identity, and I believed that the best way to do this was to avoid the work that my parents did. My mother was a doctor, and that was enough to make me rule out ever entering the profession. Instead of medicine, I planned to pursue work in the sciences. I had always enjoyed studying for my science classes. I had even showed some aptitude for the subject, both in class and in the laboratory. And from a young age I had believed that I should use whateverRead MoreEssay on My Path to Public Health1267 Words   |  6 Pagesin Biology and took Pre-Professional Medicine courses in order to study more about our body and the mechanisms that occur inside of us. When I transferred to NYU, I changed my major to economics because I was also interested in the ways that humans are more than just biological entities--they experience desire and express that desire on a daily basis when they purchase commodities. My undergraduate volunteer experience cemented my interest in clinical medicine, while making me realize that a publicRead MoreMy Pursuit For A Career872 Words   |  4 PagesFrom an early age, I was exposed to medicine through my father, a radiologist, and as I grew, the influence of his career naturally and inevitably tailored my interest. It has been my own desire, however, that has compelled me to pursue a career in medicine. The summer after my sophomore year in high school, my family took a trip to our native town in India. For two months, I volunteered at the Charity Foundation in India, and the experiences I had there resonated deeply in me, changing my perspectivesRead MoreThe Life Of The Same Boat751 Words   |  4 Pagespushed me to give a hand towards betterment of humanity utilizing my clinical skills to help prolong and improve the quality of life. This zeal drove me to be a part of multiple welfare projects and activities. The desire to excel served as a stimulant fo r me to be an overachiever and become the pioneer doctor in the family. My mother, who could not finish her education, has been my greatest moral support throughout. After getting clinical exposure, I discovered that this noble profession has no parallel

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Fossils Categorized As Archaic Homo Sapiens Essay Example For Students

Fossils Categorized As Archaic Homo Sapiens Essay STUDY GUIDE 91.Describe general characteristics of fossils categorized as Archaic homo sapiens, their temporal and geographic range. Exclude Neandertals. Discuss some of the problems associated with the understanding of this fossil taxon. (a) Increased cranial capacity(b) Appear more similar to modern humans(c) Reduced face, less prognathic, greater frontal lobe(d) Thick cranial bones, no chinArchaic fossils have been found in Europe, Africa and Asia. Problems arise because there is very little fossil record and they are too young to date with pot/argon and too old to date with radiocarbon. 2.Over time neandertals have been considered both extremely primitive and nearly modern. Discuss morphological characteristics that distinguish them from both Homo Erectus and anatomically modern sapiens. What does post-cranial morphology indicate about their life histories and life ways in general?MORPHOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES:1. Larger brains than modern humans2. Shape of the skulls differed, football shaped3. Flat front4. Bulge in the back of the skull5. No chin6. Large face and prognathicPOST CRANIAL MORPHOLOGY:1 very robust2. Heavily muscled3. Barrel shaped rib cage4. Very strong handsThey appear to be built to endure very cold co nditions, they lived during descent into a full glacial period. They needed to be able to conserve heat in a very strenuous environment. 3.Fossil evidence indicates that neadertals were extinct by 25,000 years ago. Identify features of their skeletal morphology, mortality profiles and apparent life ways that might explain their disappearance from the fossil record. Neadertals were very robust, short limbs, barreled rib cage and strong hands that required high levels of calories to survive. They lived very short lives and they exhibited bone fractures and cranial injuries. Bone fractures consistent with rodeo cowboys, suggests that they were taking large prey. They juvenile mortality rate was high also, which points towards the idea that life was very difficult, too difficult for most to survive. 4.Richard Klein and Lewis Binford have taken opposite stands regarding neadertal hunting capabilities. Outline their arguments. Select and defend one position. KLEIN: Claims neanderatls were proficient hunters by the accumulation bison bone in one place, points toward the idea that neandertals were targeting them. The species found were too abundant to be found in one place, unless they were being killed. Also some stone tool marks on meatiest part of bone suggests that they werent left by scavengers but killed by neandertals. BINFORD: claims that neandertals were only scavengers, most of the bones found were only skull and feet bones. Thus pointing towards the idea that they were killing small prey and scavenging large already made kills. 5.What does the fossil record suggest regarding religious practices and altruistic behavior among neandertal populations? Is the fossil record consistent with respect to these issues?It suggests that neandertals cared for disabled, evidence shows disabilities that required care by other members of the group. Burial recovery of skeletons with bone fractures that suggest they were being cared for, they survived where they would not have without help. Also evidence that they buried their dead, bodies have been found in association of goods. Suggests religious practice and altruistic behavior, contemporary to modern human populations. The Fossil record is consistent to the point where we can assume they were taking care of them, if monkeys and apes can do it so could Neandertals. Political Science